WWC founders, Craig and Fiona just made another appearance in May of 2016 on Chinese TV. Fiona spoke in English and Mandarin about the Huxley's current elephant efforts, including her new elephant children's book. Team Huxley believes a thoughtful, respectful, and cooperative relationship with china is crucial to the survival of the remaining elephant species.
The USA and China are the 2 driving forces behind the demand for ivory. With President Obama and President Xi's latest announcement to restrict the sale of ivory in our respective territories, there can be hope for elephants, but only if both governments follow through with their statements. China has not released a timeline for new legislation on restricting ivory sales, but continued pressure from the States and around the world, will show that elephants are more valuable alive.
It is estimated that throughout an elephant's life, they will generate around $1.6 million dollars in tourism revenue in Africa. Elephants are not the only one's at stake in this fight for survival. Humans are able to feed their families through eco-tourism. But how can that continue when there are no more elephants left to appreciate? It's up to the human race to reevaluate the situation and decide what is more valuable; an ivory trinket, or the livelihood of the elephant species?